About Me

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I love living just blocks from the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan, in WI. I am a wife to Greg(for 49 yrs in 2021), mother to Heather and Amber (love my girls), Gamma to LJ, daughter to Marion (deceased in 2012 at 88 y/o, lived a life glorifying the Lord), sister to Paul and Samantha, aunt to Paula, Shelley (and fam) and Jeremy (and fam), Tuffy, the parakeet (2021) and most of all...a child of God, saved by grace through Christ Jesus. Life is a gift! Eternal life, a BLESSING!!!

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Monday, June 10, 2024

PIP Challenge 2423

 PIP Challenges wonderful sponsor
for the current challenge is...

It's always fun getting to find new stuff
and a great sponsor as well! YAY!
I even purchased some fun goodies 
from PP and it didn't arrive before I 
left on vacay. Boo to me! I had other great
stamps from PP but I let time get away from
me, as usual. That's why this post is even
late and the challenge and winner's blogs
didn't get posted on time. I know...bad Pam.
At least my visit to friends has been a 
joy and I hope to return home and 
make all kinds of goodies!! Be sure to join in 
the current challenge and visit 
Penguin Palace for some awesome stuff!

 Join in the

Consider "Following" this blog. 

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