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I love living just blocks from the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan, in WI. I am a wife to Greg(for 49 yrs in 2021), mother to Heather and Amber (love my girls), Gamma to LJ, daughter to Marion (deceased in 2012 at 88 y/o, lived a life glorifying the Lord), sister to Paul and Samantha, aunt to Paula, Shelley (and fam) and Jeremy (and fam), Tuffy, the parakeet (2021) and most of all...a child of God, saved by grace through Christ Jesus. Life is a gift! Eternal life, a BLESSING!!!

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Challenge Card Using Polkadoodles

 So, I needed a card to give my 5 y/o 
grandson, LJ, for after his last soccer game 
of the year on Thurs. July 11. Naturally, 
set to create the proper card. The inside
of the card has one of the set's sentiments,
"From your #1 Fan." I added an s to Fan
because grampa wanted to be included,
of course. LOL
I colored my little dude with Copic
markers and stamped a random
sentiment and LJ. Now, the real winner
of this will be LJ, in my book anyway...

LJ just scored a goal...sure doesn't 
look excited but I'm guessing because
it was 84 degrees outside.
I'm entering my card in 
Thanks for stopping by!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh pam, how wonderful that LJ scored!! I know the excitement when my Grandies have scored... they both play soccer.
